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A Breakthrough in the Northern Track and Tomorrow is the Signing of the Framework Agreement

24 Jan 2020 أخبار أعضاء مجلس السيادة الإنتقالي

Juba - The head of the Northern Track and the head of the Kush liberation movement, Mohammed Dawood Bendak Oka, announced that there has been a breakthrough in the negotiation issues of the track by bypassing the file of forcibly displaced persons from Wadi Halfa, and the affected persons of Al-Hamdab area. He pointed out that tomorrow the government delegation and the leaders of the track will sign the framework agreement for the track.

He said in a press statement after the government delegation's meeting with the path leaders at the headquarters of negotiations in Juba this morning that the two parties will work in coordination with the mediation of the vacuum from the file of the archaeologists of the Manasir and Amri regions, in preparation for the final signing of the path.

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تابعونا وشاهدونا أولاً بأول لنحظى بتشجيعكم دومًا! تعرّفوا على أحدث الأخبار الخاصة بالموقع والمبادرات الحكومية من خلال نشراتنا البريدية.

